Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Legalize Marijuana essays

Authorize Marijuana expositions The issue of whether to sanction maryjane has become an extraordinary discussion lately. There are evident negative of impacts of authorizing it, yet there are likewise positive aftereffects of making it lawful. On the perspective of a cop, it will appear to be a terrible answer for an incredible issue. Truly, it will in all probability increment the quantity of pot smokers, and yes it can prompt issues managing being affected by cannabis. In any case, for what reason is liquor legitimate? Obviously an excess of can hinder your judgment, and can cause wild conduct, however then why even have it be lawful? It is alright to keep it legitimate as long for what it's worth in guideline. The equivalent ought to be applied towards pot. Make certain legitimate cutoff points on it, and it will be simpler on cops, and furthermore on residents. Legitimizing weed can likewise profit the individuals who need it for clinical reasons. They don't need to turn into a criminal in performing illicit me dication deals just to get it. There will be no more discussion towards them, and it is simpler for them to get rewarded. As a routine smoker, authorizing it can mean numerous advantages. Since pot is illicit, the expense to buy it is extremely high. A high hazard factor of falling into legitimate difficulty implies significant expenses. Legitimizing it will make it increasingly reasonable, and at long last prevent smokers from performing different violations just to get enough cash to help their propensity. People in the lawful field won't need to sit around idly attempting to indict individuals for selling or utilizing pot. They can invest more energy in taking care of genuine lawbreakers that are the genuine danger to society. Taking everything into account, it is a smart thought to endeavor sanctioning maryjane and it will profit enormously. ... <! Sanction Marijuana papers In the late 1970's, Susan Nelson watched her significant other, Don, in steady distress. He was experiencing chemotherapy treatment for testicular disease, and his body was consistently dismissing his supplemental medications, making him upchuck with. His body's common response was just making Don bring about further tissue harm. On the off chance that lone the regular plant, Cannabis Sativa (normally known as weed), had been legitimate at that point, Don would not have needed to endure the distress related with malignant growth treatment (Portland NORML). Some may think I am youthful, and simply wish to advance medications, however I guarantee you that my advantage isn't recreational. Like Susan, I also have watched somebody near me experience the ill effects of malignant growth. The utilization of pot would have helped checked the torment my uncle experienced because of chemotherapy, similarly as it could have helped Don Nelson. What's more, in spite of the fact that the facts conf irm that by authorizing maryjane, recreational smoking may build, cannabis' restorative and natural uses exceed the expenses of its utilization in relaxation. Most likely no accommodating resident would need to retain this flexible clinical plant from the millions who experience the ill effects of diseases. Verifiably, weed originally utilized in pioneer America where its filaments were utilized to make a large number of day by day items, including paper, materials, rope, oil, canvas, cleanser, agony, and fuel (NORML). The plant kept on being developed as a significant harvest until 1937 when Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act after a solitary hearing, banning hemp and stopping the conspicuous business (CIN). Section of the demonstration depended on bogus cases spread by the media, announcing maryjane use caused demise and craziness in Mexicans, which general society innocently assumed as evident (Stroup). Today the government will not rescind the forbiddance, in spite of information on the various favorable circumstances of hemp. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) remains solidly restricted to legitimization, considerably subsequent to conceding, It would b... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Last Day :: essays papers

The Last Day Disarray dashed through her brain. The other life was only an activity away. She didn’t need to be here any longer and she was prepared to leave. She was worn out on continually getting injured; nothing could be more terrible than the existence she was living. Without a doubt, there were individuals who adored her, yet she didn’t love herself enough to remain here. The entirety of the torment would stop with only a couple of strokes of the sharp edge against her wrists. Tristyn gets the telephone and dials a number she has dialed regularly for as long as two years. â€Å"Hey girl!† Wendy says as she picks up the telephone. â€Å"Hey.† answers Tristyn. â€Å"I’m going to need to get back to you; I’m on the other line.† â€Å"No, it’s okay. Only one question†¦how do you cut your wrists? Is it sideways or up and down?† â€Å"I did it sideways, yet you should do it here and there on the principle artery.† â€Å"Alright, bye.† She hangs up the telephone and sits for a moment. Everything would be so a lot simpler on the off chance that I only weren’t here any longer. I wouldn’t need to see her regular and realize that I can’t have her. Will everybody comprehend that I needed? I prefer not to hurt individuals yet I just can’t take this torment any longer. I simply trust that everybody sees, except at any rate I won’t be here to hear everybody discussing that I was so moronic to end my life. They just don’t comprehend. Emili strolls into the room and takes a gander at the young lady she used to cherish. â€Å"You can’t do this Tristyn! I’ll call the cops right now!† says Emili. â€Å"The cops aren’t going to do *censored* to me! Simply go pack your stuff and disregard me!! You don’t care anyway!† Tristyn yells. All Tristyn can do is lay on the lounge chair and cry. She supplicates that her mother can comprehend why she needed. She questions that she will. Tristyn lies on the tan nubuck cowhide lounge chair her mother got her and considers her life and every one of that has happened to lead her to this depressed spot. Tristyn had consistently been given all the things she at any point needed or required. Her mother had consistently ensured that she never managed without. Tristyn trusted that her mother didn't reprimand herself for any of this. There was nobody to fault yet herself, she realized that, for getting pulled in by and by, just to be harmed for the last time.

Organisational and leadership management Case Study - 1

Hierarchical and administration the executives - Case Study Example Their significant point is to feature themselves in the center and lower layers of the populace to increase greatest market infiltration and piece of the overall industry. Going into the historical backdrop of the association, it was established in 1965 in West Yorkshire England, and it is there just that their home office are available. The significant items that they are offering their tremendous client base are basic food item, general merchandize and money related administrations; a space that is not the same as their central business. Related Dairies and Farms Stores Limited was framed in 1949; the organization ASDA was shaped after a merger concurrence with three grocery store chains in 1965. After a ton of changes in the item base, combined with mergers, acquisitions and enhancements, they began their engaged methodology towards broadening their food retailers vision forward. This was done in 1989, by purchasing gigantic stores of Rivals, Gateway Superstores for an incredible some of 750 million pounds. Issue of selling such a large number of items emerged, which are experienced by raising capital from investors twice. The excursion of then coupling themselves with the American mammoth Wal-Mart began where the CEO of the organization even sent individuals to the association so as to get to the advertising and innovation base that their global adversaries were utilizing. The takeover of this British association by the US mammoth Wal-Mart, occurred on 26th July, 1999; this was the point at which the association wa s intending to assume control over Kingfisher plc. (ASDA, 2009) The association is essentially gloating to give item and administration both to its qualities clients. It is a greater amount of less in the center of the item administration continuum, sliding more towards to item end. This is on the grounds that the association has manufactured a brand name in offering quality assistance as far as retail lodging to its clients. This requires high caliber of item. Then again, because of their sound image name, they have this part of after deals administration that is being related with the association, the clients are fulfilled that their questions would be met with. The component we will concentrate on in the task is the item direction of the association. It is a publically possessed association where offers are being exchanged on various stock trades. The organization brags of a pay of 638 million pounds and is right now utilizing more than 143 thousand in its association, serving the entire of the United Kingdom. They have been known for their advertising efforts based of reasonable/low value items that have kept the opposition alive in the retailer showcase. Examination OF THE ORGANIZATION The association gives retail to its clients. Aside from the essential basic food item items and retail chains that it is giving its clients, the organization has likewise broadened and moved into the budgetary part showcase. They additionally offer money related types of assistance to the clients with the assistance of the auxiliary associations. Be that as it may, the focal point of the examination is the retailer area of the association's product offering. There are a few elements for picking the General Merchandize and basic food item part, in short the retailer business, of the organization. One of the most noticeable and significant one is that this part has been created over a huge timeframe. The

Friday, August 21, 2020

Analyse The Environment Effect Of Events

Break down The Environment Effect Of Events The motivation behind this paper is to tell the peruser that there are a few factors that influence condition around and distant from the area of an occasion, and furthermore evaluate any test that may happened when managing this condition issue in the occasion the board business. The extent of this paper is constrained and not concentrating on one certain occasion in particular, yet just discussion about an occasions by and large without talk about those occasions profoundly. The investigation is directed by getting the case of certain occasions and breaks down why those sorts of occasions may help or even harm nature. While on evaluating the test, this paper finds the test and remark the estimation of them. The most significant and huge discoveries is the point at which the impacts of an occasion to the earth may caused contamination by immediate and aberrant ways. Anyway there is finding about the great side of an occasion to its condition. Also, some test for this issue is about how to fathom, instruct, and keep up the procedure so as to get this condition issue satisfied. Presentation Most importantly we should know the meaning of occasion itself. In view of Allen, OToole, Harris Mcdonnell (2005) express that occasion is sure function, act, introduction or tribute that are deliberately structured, customized and made to held certain events or probably get any advantage in social, social, and the objective of business. We can see the various kinds of occasions, for example, sport occasions, celebrations, jamborees, marches, showcase, public expos, until only a gathering( Arcodia, 2009). What's more, founded on the size we can see from simply neighborhood networks with nearby individuals as crowds to uber occasions in which the crowd is from around the globe (Allen, OToole, Harris Mcdonnell, 2005. In this paper I investigate the response for issues that will be talked about. The extent of this paper is about issues in the impact that an occasion can be caused, either in social, monetary, and furthermore condition. The influences it selves as well as this paper spread the themes in evaluating the difficulties that may happens to condition the executives business. I center around recognizing situations factors that affecting occasions by offering investigation to it. Additionally in this paper I set the breaking point about the sort of occasions into just celebration, social occasions, and get-togethers, so the possibilities of the individual what reads' identity is restricted and thus this met their desire since that this exposition just discussed something in wide extension ,not in detail. At the point when we talk about condition impacts of an occasion, we can't be a long way from contamination. Contamination is the greatest issue ever that each administration must face so as to secure their condition. In light of curry and Moutinho (1992) that said the connection among the travel industry and condition is a harmonious relationship in sense that conservational region, natural life, and safeguarding of destinations and landmarks of chronicled intrigue regularly a reaction to the travel industry request yet have the impact of animating and keeping up the progression of guests to that locale, government thinks about the earth since they can get benefit from the travel industry division. So that in characterizing any impacts in this article, I isolate the impacts into two sections. The primary is the negative impact of an occasion to the earth, and the following one is the beneficial outcome of an occasion to nature. At that point dependent on those negative impacts I wil l partition it into two sections too. The immediate negative impact of an occasion to condition and furthermore the aberrant negative impact of an occasion are that parts. After that there are a few difficulties about condition brought about by impact of occasions in occasion the executives business. 432 words Body Right off the bat we will discuss the negative impacts of an occasion to nature. Much the same as I expressed in the presentation, this negative impacts are partitioned into two classifications, the immediate negative impacts and backhanded negative impacts too. The significance of negative is as of now known, it tends to be something awful, horrendous, not appropriate and some more, yet the importance of direct negatives impact in this article is about any awful impacts that may happened as the straight aftereffect of an occasion to its condition that originate from the waste and material parade of the occasion itself. At that point I will distinguish some specific occasions that give direct negative impact to nature and examine why that occasions may cause those harm. The main occasion is Taiwan lamp celebration which held each year when around a great many Taiwanese light inflatable of lamp that produced using oil-absorbed collapsed paper and afterward put it in high shaft. This m ade the garbage from that light litter the earth and one day this set a fire close to Taiwan International Airport, hence make immense measure of cloud and later on many flight is dropped incidentally. Those smokes may contain cancer-causing synthetic concoctions and furthermore benzene that are destructive for people groups wellbeing and furthermore becomes contamination that may harm condition (Adam, 2008). Comparative with lamp celebration is Floating Lantern Festival in Chiang may where the utilization of old style normal material produced using banana trunk with the leaves stick in the storage compartment is supplanted by Styrofoam that subsequent in the stream banks, lakes, and parks being littered and discouraged. This lead to split condition since the tidying up progress may expend additional time. (Jonal, 2009). The following occasion is Diwali celebration that held in India that comprise with blasting wafers. This occasion may dirty air since the wafers may discharge harmf ul gases. The third model is about Bourgas celebration in Bulgaria. In that celebration, individuals fabricate seven phases and afterward makes tent in ocean garden park which coming about everlasting and critical impacts to its creatures and plants. The outcome is turning out to be more regrettable consistently. This harm to condition for the most part brought about by that development, mass measure of individuals with tents, and the poor of capacity receptacle with poor bathroom offices also (Illiev, 2009). The last case of direct impact to condition is the Ganesh Festival in Western India. In this celebration, enormous doll is made utilizing mortar of paris and toxic metals which are dangerous substance and afterward covered with paints that may contains cadmium, mercury, and carbon. The entirety of this doll is placed into water that subsequent in the reduction of oxygen level in the water which later on may prompt perilous wellbeing for human who eat any fish that sullied in th at water. This celebration is plainly contaminated the water with the biological system inside it (Nita, 2007). Be that as it may, contamination isn't confined uniquely to material contamination in any case, Poorly planned lodgings and other visitor office structures, and lacking or unseemly finishing, make visual contamination in a zone, ( Kaur Batra, 1996) Presently we go to the backhanded negative impact of an occasion to its condition. The significance of this aberrant impact is any outcome from the presentation of an occasion that subsequent in the harm of condition by individuals action that they did so as to have the option to take an interest in that occasion. Individuals do all that they could to take an interest in a specific celebrations, sport occasions, and more occasions or they simply become onlookers in that occasion. By doing that thing, acknowledged or not they have been taking an interest in the decimation of condition. Individuals dont acknowledge when they littering in the zone where the occasions was held. It is still alright if government or authority tidy up the wreckage, yet the issue happened when the chaos isn't rapidly being cleaned as it might contaminate the earth. They even dont understand that when they go to an occasion, they use vehicle, for example, vehicles, planes, and even ships which every one of th em is take part in dirtying any land, water, and air. The greater a celebration is, the more individuals will come all around the globe. For example is Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts which is the greatest concert on the planet. Numerous expressions performed there, for example, music, expressions, men's club, and move (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 2009). Being the greatest on the planet, we can envision what number of individuals from various contingents in this world travel just to England where the occasion occurred. The vast majority must be use planes, transports, and even vehicles. In Vietnam, a wide range of nations in Europe, U.S., and Asia are taking part Hue social celebration that have the travel industry, purchase and sell and speculation reasonable that took an interest by qualified neighborhood and outside business (Viet Nga Tourism, 2008). With such a significant number of remote nations take an interest in, we can expect that increasingly unique di strict of individuals will come to Vietnam. Different occasions that contain a wide range of nations are when 15 nations go to Asian-African Children Art and Culture Festival in Jakarta, Indonesia. Indeed, even the advisory group expected up to 25 nations will carry their assignment to go to expressions execution, games, and narrating (Zhao, 2009). Obviously it isn't as large as Glastonbury celebration that may went to by million individuals or more, however this occasions despite everything causes individuals around the globe to pass via plane that took an interest in air contamination that harm the earth. Right now I will examine why vehicles, planes, and ships that every one of them are utilized by individuals to go to any occasions is harming nature. Contamination from vehicle is the most contamination that individuals submitted. Any emanation from vehicle is give terrible impact to the driver and individuals around that vehicle. Environmental change is the obligation of vehicle too since the motors make ozone depleting substance collection. The adjustment in atmosphere may create outrageous climate that lead to disappointment underway of plant fields (Environmed Research, Inc., 2009). Worldwide environmental change additionally compound via plane that a few people conviction that it produce more fundamental ozone harming substance than vehicles each time since it produce carbon dioxide more in normal. Yearly a dangerous atmospheric devation as large as Africa Island was likewise created via planes (Kirby,2000). Lastly is the boat contamination that exacerbates the earth condition. It m

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Introducing Maker Portfolios!

Introducing… Maker Portfolios! Please note that, as   Hello World! Id like to introduce you to a project that weve been working on for a while. Its a Maker Portfolio, and its one of several options that MIT applicants have to send us additional information when they apply to MIT. (Other options include Music, Research, Art, Architecture, and Sports). Now, this isnt new. Actually, weve always had students send in information about cool projects that they were working on in their spare time. Maybe it was a really amazing new computer program. Maybe rebuilding a car with their parents. Maybe it was an entire costume that they designed and created for a play or performance. This was my first year as an Admissions Officer and I was really impressed by everything that I saw. But often I found myself asking questions. Cool! How long did this take? Where did you learn to solder surface-mount components like that? How did you make that cake levitate? Im an engineer by training (MIT-educated in Course 2) so I wanted to know all the details! So, we decided to ask YOU the questions we had always hoped youd answer. I know youre VERY excited, and probably want to start working on this RIGHT NOW, but please be patient. As it says on our website, all of the information will be available in September. Were still ironing out all the details and getting everything ready for the online submission system! In the meantime, you can watch  me talking at Maker Faire last May about why colleges care about Makers and read an interview with me about the new Maker Portfolios. MITs Dr. Dawn Wendell: When Makers Apply to College from Maker Faire on FORA.tv Happy Making!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Contribution of the Retail Sector to the London’s Economy - 1925 Words

Contribution of the Retail Sector to the London's Economy (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Contribution of the Retail Sector to the Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Economy Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Name Institutional Affiliation Contribution of the Retail Sector to the Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Economy Executive summary The paper purports to discuss how the retail sector has positively influenced Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy. We first start by having a look at a case study Homebase, one of the leading retail chains in the London economy that has for years placed customer service at the heart of its values. Retailing is a process that involves the spending by the customers in shops or through online forums. In recent years, the retail sector has been pressurised by the growth and emergence of one stop shopping units such as supermarkets, e-tailing and the recession in the sector. Research carried out shows that the Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy has a high potential for growth without causing inflation. Despite the high growth rate of the Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy, it is still below the UK rate CITATION Chr15 \l 2057 (Rhodes, 2015). The paper will proceed to discuss how the retailing sector has positively added up to the solving some of the economic constraints that face London such as unemployment rate which for years has persistently remained above the average rate in the United Kingdom. Research shows that the retailing has advanced by a greater percentage than all the other sectors in the United Kingdom economy. The sector happens to be a major driver in the London economy where any downturn realised has an adverse effect in the aggregate economy CITATION Chr151 \l 2057 (Lewis, 2015). In the previous year, the retail sector contributed up to  £80.bn in the gross value added (GVA) of the economy. This represented up to 8% of the United Kingdom overall GVA CITATION GLA06 \l 2057 (GLA Economics, 2006). Organisations that want to venture into multi- channel or online retailing need to have the right technical skills and a know how in order to avoid future short comings. All employers need to be competent enough to positively engage with customers from different channels, combine their traditional and online retailing skills with one major objective of ensuring consumer satisfaction. The incorporation of the retailing into the wider economy has raised the workf orce ratio to 5:1. This includes the hospitality sector such as the restaurants, pubs and tourist services among others that play a role in the wider economy CITATION GLA06 \l 2057 (GLA Economics, 2006). Case study Homebase became an integral part of the Argos Retail Group in the year 2002. It is second after DIY retailer in the UK. It has more than 300 stores across London with a transaction record of approximately 2 million per week. In the recent decade, Homebase and Argos have gained trust of their businesses partners and consumers by consistently providing high quality products and relatively fair prices. Presently, Homebase is leading over DIY by being a contemporary home and lifestyle store. It provides a variety of products from where customers can choose from based on their preference and test. It strives to ensure that it avails more than everything a customer could expect such as practical yet stylish and exclusive furniture, designer products in different commodity lines for example Linda barker range of wall fixtures and linen. Homebase was a major milestone for the ARG in the overall strategy of growing their business that included widening their customer base. Any turn down in t he retail sector almost brings the London economy down to its knees hence confirming that the retail sector is a vital key to this economy. A lot of people spend their disposable income in the retail sector. Homebase has increasingly garnered more customers due to the quality services they provide. CONTRIBUTION Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy is almost at its peak. This is a result of the retail sector that has continually contributed to revenue generation and improvement of the lives of citizens living in the city. The sector has achieved the following in the improvement of the economy in London; 1. ERADICATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment is the situation where an individual of working age is not able to find a job. There are different types of unemployment including frictional, structural, classical, cyclical and seasonal unemployment. There are also several causes of unemployment that include rapid changes in technology, recessions, inflation, disability, undulating business cycles, changes in tastes and willingness to work CITATION Gre13 \l 2057 (Ip, 2013). The retail sector has provided employment to all sorts of unemployed persons in the city of London. This has seen more participation by more people in the growth of Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy. This sector has employed close to500000 people living in the city by June last year. This is about 19% of the total population in London. Through entrepreneurship and part time jobs in the sector joblessness in the city is now in manageable levels. In our case study, Homebase has actually employed so many individuals especially in the grocery sector since not much skill is required to run a small grocery store with fast moving that give returns in a short period of time. 2. REDUCTION IN CRIME RATES Crime is the deliberate breach of regulations and laws laid down by relevant authorities and its execution means harm to the environment or the people around the criminal. In recent years before the thriving of retail sector, crime was rampant in the London economy. The sector is now approaching its peak and the crime rates have reduced largely due to the creation of jobs that fit almost everybody. There are no more idle persons of working age and if there are then it must be in very minimal numbers CITATION Aar14 \l 2057 (Hurst, 2014). 3. ECONOMIC OUTPUT. The government generates most of its revenue from taxes charged on various activities in the economy. Through a summary of the same; the discovery is that the retail sector has contributed close to 4 million in revenue for London which is about 21% of Londonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic output. This shows how dependent the city has become on the retail sector and the government has focused on this sector in order to make it more efficient. Homebase was recorded to have the highest number of employees in London and subsequently generating the highest amount of revenue for London CITATION Rob15 \l 2057 (Baxter, 2015). 4. RISE IN LIVING STANDARDS. The retail sector has tried to stimulate the betterment of lives of its many employees and at this it is succeeding. An analysis if the sector discovered that most of the employees of the retail sector are now living better lives as compared to when they were not yet in the sector. The people who used to live from hand to mouth can now be able to save something after meeting their necessities. This has really given the economy of the town Avery big boost.in our case study, the employees of Homebase are better in life and are comfortable in their working environments. This is because it deals with broken down goods and most of these are fast moving products like groceries that give returns almost immediately even though it is in small quantities CITATION Man09 \l 2057 (Krafft, 2009). 5. BOOSTING OTHER ECONOMIC SECTORS Retail sector has also contributed to the growth of other economic sectors such as the e-commerce. Customers are able to transact over the internet and hence save time for the hassle of looking around for stores with the best of what they want. Even though most situations have the final purchase taking place in the store physically, online research, recommendations about various products and different offers are done online and this has boosted the sector to stimulate economic growth in London as well. A large percentage of the consumer base of Homebase in our case study has researched online about the products that interest them before buying them at the Homebase stores all over London CITATION Lei07 \l 2057 (Sparks, 2007). 6. BETTERMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Infrastructure refers to the key systems, physical structures and facilities serving a particular area. These entail roads, utilities, sewage, buildings and more others. Infrastructure helps smoothen life for people accessing it. This eases locomotion, hastens business transactions and the standard of life is improved for the people in the surrounding. Entrepreneurs have built better houses for doing business, roads have been improved to enhance access to the retail centres. Facilities are more improved to serve the people living in the city including water, healthcare, and entertainment. This has helped to improve the service offered by retailers in London CITATION Ann13 \l 2057 (Jonsson, 2013). 7. COMPETITIVE PRICES. Price is the monetary value attached to a product that is for sale. When prices are competitive in the economy it encourages buying and selling. Price influences demand and demand influences price as well. Retail trade offers the best platform for this to take place. Retailers buy goods in bulk from manufacturers and break down these goods before selling directly to the consumer. Due to this the customer is rest assured of getting a quality product at the same price at any retail store. This has encouraged more customers to enter this cycle and therefore participation of more individuals helps raise the rate at which the economy grows. 8. CONVENIENCE. In recent years in the economy of London the link between producers and consumers was very minimal and it was very difficult to obtain small quantities of goods from the p...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Florida Gulf Coast University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

Florida Gulf Coast University is a public university with an acceptance rate of 65%. Located in Fort Myers, FGCU is a member of the State University System of Florida. The 760-acre main campus is home to numerous ponds and wetlands, and it includes 400 acres set aside for preservation. Among the universitys five colleges, Business and Arts Sciences have the highest undergraduate enrollments. In athletics, the FGCU Eagles are members of the NCAA Division I  Atlantic Sun Conference. Considering applying to Florida Gulf Coast University? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, FGCU had an acceptance rate of 65%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 65 students were admitted, making Florida Gulf Coasts admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 14,702 Percent Admitted 65% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 30% SAT Scores and Requirements Florida Gulf Coast requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 83% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 540 620 Math 520 590 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of FGCUs admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Florida Gulf Coast scored between 540 and 620, while 25% scored below 540 and 25% scored above 620. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 520 and 590, while 25% scored below 520 and 25% scored above 590. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1210 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Florida Gulf Coast. Requirements Florida Gulf Coast does not require the SAT writing section. Note that FGCU participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements FGCU requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 55% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 20 25 Math 19 25 Composite 21 25 This admissions data tells us that most of Florida Gulf Coasts admitted students fall within the top 42% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to FGCU received a composite ACT score between 21 and 25, while 25% scored above 25 and 25% scored below 21. Requirements Florida Gulf Coast does not require the ACT writing section. Unlike many universities, FGCU superscores ACT results; your highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of Florida Gulf Coasts incoming freshmen class was 3.87, and over 50% had GPAs of 3.75 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University have primarily A grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Florida Gulf Coast University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Florida Gulf Coast University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in  with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Florida Gulf Coast University, which accepts nearly two-thirds of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average ranges, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, FGCU admissions are not entirely numerical. The university wants to see that you have completed a strong college preparatory curriculum, and will give extra weight to AP, IB, honors, and dual enrollment courses. While FGCU does not use letters of recommendation or essays in the preliminary review of applications, holistic measures such as these may be employed for students who dont meet other admissions requirements. Note that programs in golf course management, nursing, and music are more competitive and require additional application materials. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that the majority of admitted students had high school averages in the B range or higher, combined SAT scores of about 1000 or better, and ACT composite scores of 20 or higher. Your chances of being admitted improve a bit if your numbers are above these lower ranges.   If You Like Florida Gulf Coast University, You Might Also Like These Florida Colleges and Universities Embry-Riddle  |  Flagler  |  Florida  |  Florida Atlantic  |  FIU  |  Florida State  |  Miami  |  New College  | UNF  |  USF  |  U of Tampa  |   All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Florida Gulf Coast University Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Role of Women in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight and The...

In the Middle Ages, the roles of women became less restricted and confined and women became more opinionated and vocal. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight presents Lady Bertilak, the wife of Sir Bertilak, as a woman who seems to possess some supernatural powers who seduces Sir Gawain, and Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath Prologue and Tale, present women who are determined to have power and gain sovereignty over the men in their lives. The female characters are very openly sensual and honest about their wants and desires. It is true that it is Morgan the Fay who is pulling the strings in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; nevertheless the Gawain poet still gives her a role that empowers her. Alison in The Wife if Bath Prologue represents the†¦show more content†¦She makes a very witty statement when she says that of we were all virgins how would we get more virgins, â€Å"And surely if no seed were ever sown, / From where then would virginity be grown?† (71-72) We must partake in sexual acts to allow procreation and thus a population. Thus a woman who is open about her desires and how she uses her sexuality to get what she wants should not be looked down on, as men have been doing this very same thing for eons. Alison presents herself as a very open-minded individual, not just a woman. She uses sexual desire to obtain what she wants from her husbands. She was a pioneer for the sexual liberation of woman in her time. She describes how she maintained authority over her husbands by manipulation and deceit. Three of which were old, the fourth was a philanderer and the last one, Jankyn was an abuser in the beginning. She explains that she â€Å"took [Jankyn] for love and not wealth† (272). Despite his resistance to allow Alison sovereignty in the beginning, he eventually concedes and the power switches from him to her. This switch allows Alison to be in control and not have to stay within the confines of the stereotypical Middle Age woman and wife. Their relationship is then happy and peaceful once she has dominion in the marriage and she was, â€Å"kind to him /†¦/ and he to me† (280). Alison is content with herself and the life she has lived. The portrayal of Alison gives wo men a voice andShow MoreRelated Womens Roles in Epic of Gilgamesh, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Canterbury Tales1481 Words   |  6 PagesChanging Womens Roles in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Canterbury Tales Over the course of time, the roles of men and women have changed dramatically. As women have increasingly gained more social recognition, they have also earned more significant roles in society. This change is clearly reflected in many works of literature, one of the most representative of which is Plautuss 191 B.C. drama Pseudolus, in which we meet the prostitute Phoenicium. Although theRead MorePerceptions Remain Unchanged By Marie De France Essay1918 Words   |  8 Pagesdominate all aspects of everyday life. Women are suppressed and are expected to support men by learning and performing wifely duties, and attending to the needs of the men close to them. There is no opportunity for women to place themselves in positions of authority or influence without a man dictating their function. Although Marie de France is a woman, it is apparent in â€Å"Lanval† that she cannot escape the stereotypical characterizations that plague women in her era. She portrays Queen GuenevereRead More The Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain1690 Words   |  7 PagesThe Women from The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Until recently, the role of women in literature has seemed to reflect the way they were treated in society. Women were seen as secondary to men, and their sole purpose in life was to please a man’s every desire. This is not the case in three specific literary works. The Odyssey, The Wife of Bath, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight use the actions of its women characters to greatly enhance important thematic elements. The womenRead More Comparing Love and Marriage in Canterbury Tales, Lanval, Faerie Queene, and Monsieurs Departure675 Words   |  3 PagesLove and Marriage in Canterbury Tales, Lanval, Faerie Queene, and Monsieurs Departure Medieval and Renaissance literature develops the concepts of love and marriage and records the evolution of the relation between them. In Chaucers Canterbury Tales, Christian love clashes with courtly love, as men and women grapple with such issues as which partner should rule in marriage, the proper, acceptable role of sex in marriage, and the importance of love as a basis for a successful marriage. WorksRead MoreImportance Of Character Education In Literature1186 Words   |  5 Pagesstories such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Pardoner’s Tale, and The Wife of Bath’s Tale. Although, not clearly pointed out, each story mentioned is centered around some sort of personality trait even if the moral of the story is not directly stated. Take The Wife of Bath’s Tale for example, the story is about a knight who comes across a young beautiful woman in the forest and takes advantage of her. As the king finds out about his misdoings, the knight is called in for his punishment

Monday, May 11, 2020

Spies And The Cold War - 1343 Words

The Cold War introduced many new things to the world. The possibility of nuclear war, the internet, advanced technology, space programs, etc. But one of the more well-known advances would have to be spies and espionage. Espionage was used before the Cold War but the war increased the popularity of espionage. It was portrayed as romantic and exciting, but the reality wasn’t romantic. It was a dangerous job; if you were caught you would be tortured for information or killed with little to no hope of being rescued. But despite the dangers people still became spies and their efforts fueled the war. Spies were an essential part in the Cold War. Spying isn’t a recent development. It has been around since the beginning of recorded history. The Egyptians had a complex intelligence gathering system. China and India had military strategists such as Sun-Tzu and Chanakya use deception and subversion in war. The Hebrews, Greeks and Romans used spies as well. The Mongols heavily used espionage in the conquest of the Europe and Asia. Feudal Japan used ninjas to collect information. Despite the fact that espionage was used in early history, espionage wasn’t viewed as very useful. In the late 1800s, espionage and spies became more positively viewed. As the world changed so did spying; espionage became an integral part of the government in most countries. By WWI, espionage had reached new heights. World War I also lead to the founding of the first true totalitarian state in Russia which wasShow MoreRelatedThe Spy and The Bravo785 Words   |  3 Pages Spy fiction is defined as a genre of literature that focuses on the activities of spies and the world of espionage. The genre dates back to the mid to late 19th century. An early example of a spy novel is by an American novelist James Fenimore Cooper; The spy (1821) and The Bravo (1831). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Beloved - 1045 Words

Justin Vieira January 23, 2000 SUPA WRT 105 Mrs. Weiss I Love Mommy #3 â€Å"Inside, two boys [Howard and Buglar] bled in the sawdust and dirt at the feet of a nigger woman [Sethe] holding a blood-soaked child [Beloved] to her chest with one hand and an infant [Denver] by the heels in the other. She did not look at them; she simply swung the baby toward the wall planks, missed and tried to connect a second time†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (page. 149). One of the first things a baby sees when they are born is their mother. A baby can be certain their mother loves them more than anything because they are of the same flesh and blood. What is a baby to think when their own â€Å"face† decapitates them with a hacksaw? It is only natural for the baby to be confused as to how†¦show more content†¦Beloved has been amongst the living and the dead. According to her, the purpose of life is to become dead. Halle, the man on her face, has accomplished this through disappearing. Nobody knows an ything about him, so he is as good as dead. Contrarily, Beloved has always been on Sethe’s mind. Killing her own daughter is memory that she can not forget. Beloved is brought back to life because she can not be forgotten. â€Å"What I remember is a picture floating around out there outside my head† (page 36). It is impossible to forget the memory of Beloved because she was murdered in the shed right outside 124Bluestone Road. The memory stays right in the place where it happened. Halle’s death is back in Sweet Home since he never made it to 124Bluestone Road. Sethe has never gone back to there, so she can not pass by the place to bring back her rememory and so he stays dead. â€Å"her [Sethe’s] face is my own and I want to be there in the place where her face is and to be looking at it too† (page 210). Earlier in the chapter Beloved wants to be with her mother. She misses Sethe because, even after all Sethe has put her through, she is still her mo ther. She wants to look up to that familiar face that can be recognizable as her own. As Beloved thinks more about Sethe, her tone changes, â€Å"the woman is there with the face I want the face that is mine† (page 211). Beloved no longer wants to look up to Sethe, but to control her. This is what ends upShow MoreRelatedToni Morrison s Beloved And Beloved1376 Words   |  6 Pagesanother surprise to the story of Beloved. The addition of character Beloved conceals whole meaning Morrison tries to conduct to the readers. So far, character Beloved is portrayed as an innocent, pure, yet egotistic girl. Beloved also presumably the incarnation of Sethe’s dead baby, whose tomb is engraved Beloved. Morrison offers supernatural element in the story to create mysterious and spooky atmosphere, which raise curiosity and excite readers even more. Beloved is seen as the resemblance of Sethe’sRead More Beloved Essay593 Words   |  3 Pages Beloved, like many of the other books we have read, has to deal with the theme of isolation. There was the separation of Sethe and Denver from the rest of the world. There was also, the loneliness of each main character throughout the book. There were also other areas of the book where the idea of detachment from something was obvious. People’s opinions about the house made them stay away and there was also the inner detachment of Sethe from herself. The theme that Toni Morrison had in mind whenRead More Significance of the Ghost of Beloved in Toni Morrisons Beloved1376 Words   |  6 PagesIn Beloved, Toni Morrison frequently alternates between telling stories from Sethes past, to telling events in the present. Morrison introduces Beloved, who serves as the link between Sethe and Paul Ds past at Sweet Home as slaves, and the present, living in Ohio as a free family of three: Sethe, Paul D. and Denver. The character of Beloved allows Morrison to explain the experiences and characteristics of the three characters, and how they are reactions to their pasts. Up to Beloveds arrivalRead More Character of Beloved in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essays2510 Words   |  11 PagesThe Character of Beloved in Toni Morrisons Beloved Perhaps one of the most important issues in Toni Morrisons award-winning novel Beloved is Morrisons intentional diversity of possible interpretations. However the text is looked at and analyzed, it is the variety of these multiple meanings that confounds any simple interpretation and gives the novel the complexity. The debate rages on over many topics, but one issue of central and basic importance to the understanding of the novel is definingRead More Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved - Symbol and Symbolism in Beloved1562 Words   |  7 PagesSymbolism in Beloved  Ã‚     In the novel Beloved, the author, Toni Morrison, attempts to promote a variety of different themes and ideas by symbolizing them in minor events and situations.   This symbolism is evident throughout the entire novel and is very crucial to the understanding and analyzing of the text.   A good example of this is the ice skating scene.   Morrison uses this scene to represent the slow, but consistent, deterioration of the family living in 124 and to foreshadow the ultimateRead MoreCry, The Beloved Country994 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Harrison in Cry, The Beloved Country While a subsidiary character in Alan Paton s Cry, The Beloved Country , John Harrison offers a glimpse into the attitude of the younger generation toward the black population in South Africa, one that seeks change but isn t always willing to exert the necessary effort. Who is John Harrison? People enter our lives all the time. Some become close friends. Others are here one day and gone the next. There are some with whom we rarely speak, but when weRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison622 Words   |  3 Pages In the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison, Morrison has created two very powerful characters: Denver and Beloved. Denver and Beloved are sisters, but in a sense, they werent always. It used to just be Denver and her mother, Sethe, that lived together in a house. That house was passed down to them by Denvers grandmother, Baby Suggs, which was given to her by a white couple who were out to help the blacks. Sethe and Denver were very content with the way things were. Sethe had a paying job as a cookRead MoreMemory in Beloved Essay1897 Words   |  8 Pagesemotional experience. Very often it is thoughtful that this neglecting and abandoning is the best way to forget. In Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, memory is depicted as a dangerous and deliberating faculty of human consciousness. In this novel Sethe endures the oppression of self imposed prison of memory by revising the past and death of her daughter Beloved, her mother and Baby Suggs. In Louise Erdrich’s story Love Medicine, memory of death and the past is revealed carefully among the charactersRead MoreToni Morrisons Beloved Essays1058 Words   |  5 PagesIf ignorance is bliss, then why is it human nature to uncover the truth? In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, the character Denver uses knowledge to feed her craving in hopes that it will fill the void her mother unsuccessfully tried to satisfy with the blood of the past and too little milk. To understand these truths one must accept that Beloved is a physical representation of the past, Sethe embodies the present, and Denver exemplifies the future. Throughout the novel these three characters interact onRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narr ative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,† he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families†

Audit report Free Essays

During the stock count e observe the following weaknesses and ascertain the risks associated with them and developed following suggestions to develop controls to address these weaknesses. The details of these are as follows: 1 . Excessive Accessories stocks found as compared to system report. We will write a custom essay sample on Audit report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Observations:- During the audit we observe that some of stock physically available is in excess as compared to the stock as per stock report. For details of these please, see annex â€Å"A†. Later on discussion with store uncharged Mr.. Adele it came to know that, this problem occurred due to stock shifting, adjusting stock report, bulk quantity counting of stock really with routine activities etc. Some Grins and store issues are also not properly posted in time, that is why this issue raise. Recommendations:- The posting issue should not have any excuse; store team should manage their time to post all types of documents in system to update the stock report. It is also recommended that store team should adopt the policy of efficiency instead of effectiveness. 2. Less quantity of stocks found physically as compared to Accessories stock report. Observations:- We observed that some stocks in actual are less as compare to reported quantity. For details of these, please see annex â€Å"B†. Recommendations:- It is recommended to post issuance in system carefully and posting of issuance should be checked on daily basis. We recommended that the issuance book should be systematized and in new software this document will move as prepared by, approved by and deliver by and finally system post this issue automatically. 3. Stock not found physically but mentioned in stock report. Observations:- During the audit we observed some quantity of stock not physically in store as compared with stock report. For details of these please see annex â€Å"C† Later on discussion with store uncharged it came to know that due to the shifting of store items o new place and some issuance are also not posted/misplaced, that’s why these items showing in report. It is recommended that all issuance should be posted timely in software on daily basis, the items which are not physically exist should be located in report and adjust the report as per the actual conditions to maintain the proper stock report. To resolve this problem the store team should get the approval of management, and after approval they have to adjust the stock accordingly. 4. Items not in report but physically exist During the course of audit it was found that some of the items are physically exist in he store but there is no record of these in the accessory report. For details of these please, see annex â€Å"D†. Recommendations:- It is recommended that store issue returns must be recognized when received at store. Proper record and physical stock must be kept by the store team. 5. Old Stock found in store During the course of audit it was found that lot of space was covered by old stock this stock is not in use since more than 2 year as per information given by the store team these items include: Inlay card Poly bag Buttons For details of these please, see annex â€Å"E†. It is recommended that time period should be defined after which certain item will be considered a part of dead stock. By doing this, dead stock will be separated from old stock. After this, dead stock should be sold at reasonable price and old stock should be properly placed at certain area with label of old stock and should not be mixed with fresh stock. When this old stock will not be used for a certain defined time period, it should be classified as dead stock and be sold as well. 6. Placement and Item codes It is observed that some items such as LABEL and THREAD are placed in different parts in a few boxes. . Thread of one shade found in different boxes and in different places and some of poly bags have no item codes. For details of these please, see annex â€Å"F†. Recommendations:- It is recommended that every item in store must be placed at single place so that these can be easily accessible. Secondly item codes must be mentioned on the items properly. 7. Practice of Safety Stock not adopted It was found during our audit that concept of safety stock was not being considered by the stor e management. The different routine items like stationary, kitchen items, some stitching general items like needles, commonly use thread and stitching aching spare parts etc. Don’t have any safety stock formula, and this problem can stuck the flow of work. It is recommended that store team should be provided with all information about crucial items of different departments which may cause disturbance in the flow of work. Store should have a safety stock of all such items so that these could be used in case of emergency shortage. By doing this smooth running of flow work can be ensured. They should also consult with management in this regards. 8. Tagging and dust issues It is observed that some of the items are not properly tagged and there is dust on the teems also. This type of issues create risk like decrease in the value of stock it may also create delay problem for production if the things are not properly tagged and placed. Recommendations:- It is suggested that all the items with proper identification should be at specific place and should cover properly. Proper posting in software will be helpful to maintain the record. 10. Goods directly issued to department without any knowledge of store During the course of our audit it is observed that, some required items are issued directly to the department from where the items are demanded and all the paper work (documents) starts after this, and the store team prepares GRIN after receiving he store issue requisition and ZIP from the department. Recommendations:- It is recommended that if there is any item require urgently in any department and they purchase this on emergency basis, then this item should come first in store and issued from store as well ,and then store uncharged will prepare the GRIN after receiving the documents. By doing this there will be no ambiguity in record and all the items will come into the knowledge of store uncharged. 11. No record for items under RSI. 500. Observation:- It is observed that the items purchased which having value less than 500 rupees have no record in the store. How to cite Audit report, Papers

The Impact of Social Media on Tourism

Question: Discuss about the Impact of Social Media on Tourism. Answer: Emerging technologies is a term that is frequently used because these are the new techniques and systems that are already existing or yet to be discovered. Emerging technologies has a lot of impact on tourism just like it brings impact in other sectors like the production sector and the IT world in general (Emerging Technologies, 2009). This research paper will shed more light on the impact of social media (emerging technology) in tourism. Therefore, the paper aims to gather the view of different scholars about the emerging technology and how it is affecting tourism. Apparently, technology is making the world a global village. Technology has been part and parcel of all the activities taking place in the manufacturing sector, production, and even in the marketing field among other things. Research has proven that technology is the root of the invention and innovations that have been explored in world. In essence, the definition of technology is intuitive in that it depends on the approach or area of focus we are talking about. However, technology can be referred to as new technique and skills used in various fields to foster innovation and simply tasks. The Impact of Social Media on the Tourism Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4071855.html According to this article, the author has attributes to the great impact and role social media is playing in tourism. I conquer with the author`s argument that social media is apparently the source of information for most tourists. The various virtual community groups that have been developed enable the customers to meet and engage with their colleagues to share experience and insights about a particular restaurant. Besides, the customer can do online booking, organize travel trips just by the click of a button. Further, I agree with the author that social media is a major source of information for the tourists and it has a lot influence to the decision making of the tourist. However, the Author does not offer empirical data to prove about the research. In this case, the author has not given any statistical figures to prove the test and results on the frequency or number of tourists who visit a given country. Also, the author failed to articulate the negative implication social media can bring to those restaurants with bad reviews. In general, social media is dominating the industry hence if utilized in a good manner, the results will be outstanding. Halaweh,M. (2013). Emerging Technology: What is it?Journal of technology management innovation,8(3), 19-20. doi:10.4067/s0718-27242013000400010 According to Halaweh (2013), he has not given clear definition of technology but rather stated some of the examples of emerging technologies. He mentioned social media sites, ambient intelligence, computer cloud, and virtual reality as the emerging technologies. In his research he borrowed the definition from the business dictionary stating that emerging technologies are those technologies that are already existing or are yet to be discovered that change the business process and environment. Just like Halaweh, I can also borrow the definition because it unveils the ambiguity of misunderstanding technology has only those innovations that are existing. Some of the characteristics mentioned are valid like the network effect, the cot, its availability, and impact are prevalent. I agree with this research because the author has clarified with convincing evidence the characteristics of emerging technologies. In this article, the misconception about emerging technologies has been pointed out. However some of the characteristics of technology mentioned do not hold much meaning like the characteristic of uncertainty is not legit. This is because we are sure of the implication an emerging technology can pose to the business environment and social life therefore it is only that we assume things rather than saying we are uncertain about the outcome of a given technology. In terms of cost, he denotes that acquiring this technology is very costly. This is true because of the information infrastructure required to model the new technologies is complex hence calling for high cost. Further, Halaweh has not mentioned the industries that emerging technologies are likely to affect but rather focus his research to unveil the meaning of ETs and their characteristics. Therefore, the author does not mention the practical aspect when emerging technologies are applied. Zeng,B. (2013). Social Media in Tourism.Journal of Tourism Hospitality,02(02). doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000e125 The article has attributed to the significance of social media towards the tourism sector. The author has emphasized that social media is a reliable source of information, that is, tourist search for information and make decisions based on what they see on the platforms. The research was conducted to reveal the influence of social media platform on tourism without putting into consideration other sectors of the economy. It is concluded that emerging technologies can never be exhausted because their application is relevant and divergent and things keep on changing with time. Zeng,B. (2013). Social Media in Tourism.Journal of Tourism Hospitality,02(02). doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000e125 This article to a great extent has collected and analyzed research from various academic journals to gather information about the consumer and the supplier perspective in regard to social media in tourism. The research identified social media has the key bearer of information to the travelers. The results obtained from the research indicated that both the customers are the management of the host institutions benefit from social media platforms. The author has portrayed that The fact that new technology is beneficial to the society is indisputable. Looking back, from the invention of the web, technology has been the underlying force gearing innovations and efficiency in industries or even work places. Nowadays, technology and human beings in one thing-people have developed a culture that technology means everything in our lives. As we demand technology in our daily live to do various activities. As time progresses, we still feel thirst for better technology. Essentially, we use technology in businesses, learning, communication, to acquire information and most importantly to satisfy our social ego and pleasure by using virtual community groups. At least there can be justifications on the implication of society. Technology can be good or bad depending on the way we use it. However, there are more positive implications technology has brought about in our lives than the negative implications. For example, technology can be good for teenage children if they use the internet to source educational journals and to carry out research on their assignments. On the other hand, technology can be bad if the teenage children misuse it to stream pornographic movies or be exposed to activities that compromise their morals. Other positive implications of technology can be seen in the agricultural sector. Nowadays some countries have embraced mechanization in their firms which is increasing yields (Jeffs,2008). The improvisation of Genetically Modified Maize cannot be neglected. This technology has helped to sort out social problems in our society like hunger. In Business, the expert systems and enterprise resource planning systems are helping in simplifying data analysis and decision making process (The Impact of Social Media on the Tourism Industry, n.d.). As a result, performance and quality of service has improved has been realized. Also, the social media platforms and online stores like Jumia, Alibaba, eBay, and Amazon among many virtual markets have assisted businesses to enjoy the global market place by accessing the wide market coverage. Reflecting on what I have learnt from the bibliography, emerging technologies are making the world a better place. From my point of perspective, technology is everything and without it live can be miserable. We are fortunate we are in the era technology has simplified things for us. The most important thing of emerging technology is that is you want to realize its impact, spend more time on acquitting yourself with the latest technology. The skill of learning new technologies is amazing. Another point to note is that technology has negative and positive implications. Positive implication come as a result of using technology the right way while it has negative implication comes as a result of using it to diminish or destroy our environment and social values. It is observed that most businesses are embracing virtual community platforms to market their products. Many businesses are adopting the online virtual system where clients and customer care agents meet online to interact and give immediate response to questions (Precourt, 2014). In addition, some business websites offer a warehouse on items that are purchased online irrespective on location the product purchased can be availed to you. Notably, the impact of social media on tourism is immense. Tourism is a major income resource to some countries hence, the acquisition of virtual communities enables tourists to book the best hotels, organize conference meetings, tourist get information about the experience of others visiting particular sceneries hence a tourist is able to make an informed decision about a particular trip. Finally, the innovations we see in diverse industries are derived by new technology. We must be sure, technology gets outdated very fast hence always we should be fl exible to adjust to changes of emerging technologies. References Budeanu,A. (n.d.). Sustainability and Tourism Social Media.Tourism Social Science Series, 87-103. doi:10.1108/s1571-5043(2013)0000018008 Emerging Technologies. (2009).DWDM. doi:10.1109/9780470544440.ch6 Fu,L., Zhong,M. (2014). Emerging technologies special issue of ICTIS 2013.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,47, 113. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2014.08.003 Halaweh,M. (2013). Emerging Technology: What is it?Journal of technology management innovation,8(3), 19-20. doi:10.4067/s0718-27242013000400010 The Impact of Social Media on the Tourism Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4071855.html Jeffs,E. (2008). What does the future hold?Generating Power At High Efficiency, 190-201. doi:10.1533/9781845694548.190 King,I. (n.d.). What We Are About to Do Is Highly Problematic.International Volunteer Tourism. doi:10.1057/9781137369352.0011 Prashker,J.N. (2008). Special issue on emerging commercial technologies.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,16(3), 275-276. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2008.04.004 Precourt,G. (2014). What Do We Know About Social Media?Journal of Advertising Research,54(1), 4-5. doi:10.2501/jar-54-1-004-005 Roupas,P. (2008). Food Innovation: Emerging Science, Technologies and Applications (FIESTA) conference.Innovative Food Science Emerging Technologies,9(2), 139. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2007.10.001 Sigala,M. (2014). Social Tourism: Perspectives and Potential.Tourism Management,43, 3. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2014.01.008 Zeng,B. (2013). Social Media in Tourism.Journal of Tourism Hospitality,02(02). doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000e125

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Winesburg, Ohio A Book Of Grotesques Essays - Art Genres, Winesburg

Winesburg, Ohio: A Book of Grotesques Winesburg, Ohio: A Book of Grotesques The figures of Winesburg, Ohio usually personify a condition of psychic deformity which is the consequence of some crucial failure in their lives. Misogyny, inarticulateness, frigidity, God-infatuation, homosexuality, drunkenness?these are symptoms of their recoil from the regularities of human intercourse and sometimes of their substitute gratifications in inanimate objects, as with the unloved Alice Hindman who "because it was her own, could not bear to have anyone touch the furniture of her room." In their compulsive traits these figures find a kind of dulling peace, but as a consequence they are deprived of one of the great blessings of human health: the capacity for a variety of experience. The world of Winesburg, populated largely by these back-street grotesques, soon begins to seem like a buried ruin of a once vigorous society, an atrophied remnant of the egalitarian moment of 19th-century America. Though many of the book's sketches are placed outdoors, its atmosphere is as stifling as a tomb. And the reiteration of the term "grotesque" is appropriate in a way Anderson could hardly have been aware of; for it was first used by Renaissance artists to describe arabesques painted in the underground ruins, grotte, of Nero's "Golden House." The conception of the grotesque, as actually developed in the stories, is not merely that it is an unwilled affliction but also that it is a mark of a once sentient striving. In "The Book of the Grotesque," Anderson writes: "It was the truths that made the people grotesques...the moment one of the people took one of the truths to himself, called it his truth, and tried to live his life by it, he became a grotesque and the truth he embraced a falsehood." There is a sense, as will be seen later, in which these sentences are at variance with the book's meaning, but they do suggest the significant notion that the grotesques are those who do suggest the significant notion that the grotesques are those who have sought "the truths" that disfigure them. By contrast the banal creatures who dominate the town's official life, such as Will Henderson, publisher of the paper for which George Willard works, are not even grotesques; they are simply clods. The grotesques are those whose humanity has been outraged and who to survive in Winesburg have had to suppress their wish to love. Wash Williams becomes a misogynist because his mother-in-law, hoping to reconcile him to his faithless wife, thrusts her into his presence naked; Wing Biddlebaum becomes a recluse because his wish to blend learning with affection is fatally misunderstood. Grotesqueness, then, is not merely the shield of deformity; it is also a remnant of misshapen feeling, what Dr. Reefy in "Paper Pills" calls "the sweetness of the twisted apples." As they approach George Willard, the grotesques seek not merely the individual release of a sudden expressive outburst, but also a relation with each other that may restore them to collective harmony. They are distraught communicants in search of a ceremony, a social value, a manner of living, a lost ritual that may, by some means, re-establish a flow and exchange of emotion. Their estrangement is so extreme that they cannot turn to each other though it is each other they really need and secretly want; they turn instead to George Willard who will soon be out of the orbit of their life. The miracle that the Reverend Curtis Hartman sees and the message over which Kate Swift broods could bind one to the other, yet they both turn to George Willard who, receptive though he may wish to be, cannot understand them. The burden which the grotesques impose on George is beyond his strength. He is not yet himself a grotesque mainly because he has not yet experienced very deeply, but for the role to which they assign him he is too absorbed in his own ambition and restlessness. The grotesques see in his difference from them the possibility of saving themselves, but actually it is the barrier to an ultimate companionship. George's adolescent receptivity to the grotesques can only give him the momentary emotional illumination described in that lovely story, "Sophistication." On the eve of his departure from Winesburg, George reaches the point "when he for the first time takes the backward view of life.... With a little gasp he sees himself as merely a leaf blown by the wind through the streets of his village. He knows that in spite of all the stout talk of his fellows he must live and die in uncertainty, a thing

Monday, April 13, 2020

Elementary Argumentative Essay Samples

Elementary Argumentative Essay SamplesElementary argumentative essay samples can be found in various places. Usually they are found at the middle school and high school level. They can also be found at universities. They serve as model classes for various academic fields.Colleges use them because they serve as test cases. When college graduates take the paper, they take a look at it and see how it comes out. They may reject the article or choose to emphasize some points over others. This is where the argumentative essay samples come in handy. The sample serves as a guide for college students and helps them make the right decision.This is also useful to those who are writing essays. People who write articles for newspapers sometimes find that the stories they write vary from one publication to another. For instance, they may need to write an article about the final report of the school's journalism class. Therefore, they have to analyze the material to come up with an article that is interesting and appropriate for the publication. This is where the arguments, ideas and thoughts do come in handy.Elementary argumentative essay samples also help people with their philosophy and religion classes. Since their philosophy and religion classes vary from one institution to another, this is helpful. They make the students understand the contents in a simpler manner. Since they study both religion and philosophy, this aids the students to understand the content and the theory well.There are many methods in which an elementary argumentative essay can be made. One example is the pie chart. They are used when a writer wants to show the data and its meaning. They are used with all of the other elements of the essay. It helps writers to make the argument and gives them an idea of how to structure the essay.They are usually presented in the form of elementary argumentative essay samples. They help the writers make the concepts, ideas and arguments appear clearer. The idea is th at if they make the essay clear, they will do well on the final test. They also come in handy in the grades. Since they are used in the grades, they are considered as models that students can follow.It is very important for students to have essay samples which come from the right sources. Some of the sources are the actual source. Others are based on other resources. These essay samples are just like the real article, which means that the writer is not supposed to copy or alter it.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Medical Use of Marijuana Essays

Medical Use of Marijuana Essays Medical Use of Marijuana Paper Medical Use of Marijuana Paper Marijuana whose other names include Mary Jane, hashish, herb, weed or pot is a hemp plant whose consumption triggers mixed reaction among people across the globe. Trimm Harold in his distinguished book ‘Forensic the Easy Way’ notes that marijuana is a greenish brown mixture of leaves, flowers, stem or seed of cannabis plant. Its active ingredient or chemical is THC delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol. It can be smoked, mixed with food and eaten or brewed as tea. (Trimm H, 2005). Different people use the substance for varying purposes and its effects are also varied depending on one’s body as well as the amount consumed. Marijuana is argued to produce a relaxation feeling on those who consume it but to others it brings about anxiety, thirst or hunger while others feel nothing after its consumption. History has it that marijuana has been cultivated for more than 40 decades although its intoxifying effects were established about 80 years ago leading to its criminalization. Despite the fact that hashish was criminalized, many people continue to use it and the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana laws (NORML) estimates that to a tune of 70 million Americans have smoked marijuana at least once in their lifetime while another 28 million are regular consumers. Supporters of the decriminalization of the use of marijuana cite its medicinal benefits as a basis for their stance. The paper will take an opposing view in the use of marijuana for its medicinal benefits and will therefore highlight the factors that support its criminalization. Various issues are raised regarding the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the consumption of marijuana. Its opponents argue that its use ought to remain banned as it has harmful effects like distorting their cognitive abilities, sight, perception as well as their sense of time. Marijuana affects one’s reasoning and it can therefore be a cause of inappropriate behaviors in the society. It is also associated with a negative effect on the users reasoning as well as their memory. (Earleywine M, 2002). Marijuana’s use is also associated with increased heart beat rate as well as the loss of motor coordination. The role of marijuana in the medicine field can be countered by the fact that it has not out done other drugs and the relevant field. Again, it would be better if drugs administered have minimal chance for abuse. According to a Food and Drug (FAO) official, although it was true that smoking of marijuana was found to have medicinal benefits on some patients there was need for more research to verify the findings. To him, without proper and further studies it was too early to make any comprehensive and conclusive judgments. In conclusion, FAO and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) would not advocate for the use of marijuana due to its medicinal effects. (Twombly R, 2006). The credibility of marijuana in as far as its medicinal roles are concerned is tarnished by the fact that it can be of negative effects on one’s cognition, concentration, sight and lungs. The congress also fails to recognize the effectiveness of marijuana regarding its role in medicine. (Gravel M, 2008). All in all there is need for effective scientific research so that lack of it is not quoted as the reason behind its application. In the ancient times, marijuana was used in making food, ropes as well as incense. The process used to criminalize the use of marijuana did not have a scientific backing but was from a generalization. The mere knowledge that marijuana had some intoxifying effects on its consumers led to its criminalization on the grounds that by so doing the members of the society would be safe from its harmful effect. The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) argues that the criminalization of marijuana ought to be recalled as it was based on improper or inadequate information. Concerns are however raised up to date concerning the potential of its abuse if all states decriminalized it. Despite these concerns it is true that marijuana’s benefits in medicine are too significant to ignore. This paper will focus on supporting the argument that marijuana has medical benefits as well as other advantages and will consequently highlight factors for its decriminalization. Gerber in ‘Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics’, noted that marijuana was used in the ancient times as both an analgesic as well as an antiseptic. It was used when treating burns and it relieved pain. It is also argued that marijuana could be used as an antibiotic and would therefore used for the treatment of tuberculosis, liver swelling, gonorrhea, impotency as well as tetanus. (Gerber R, 2004). In support the medical uses of marijuana a 1997 report by the US National Institute of Health and British Medical Association indicated that marijuana had therapeutic advantages which included analgesics, antispasmodics, anti-emetics, and appetite stimulants. (Gravel. M, 2008). Marijuana can also be used as a pain relief medication for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) where it is further argued that it controls the incidence of spasms. When administered on patients with cancer, especially those who cannot use chemotherapy it can reduce or rather suppress nausea. Another medicinal effect of marijuana is that it boosts or stimulates one’s appetite and can be used by HIV AIDS patients as it is also easily absorbed compared to other medications. This is attributed to the fact that it is easily soluble in lipids. Marijuana in its oral form as dronabinol or Marinorcan can be used in cancer chemotherapy and it also worsens schizophrenia. (Levinson M and Johnston P, 2002). A closer comparison of marijuana and other drugs like cocaine can clearly depicts that the many concerns raised against it are uncalled for. The harm caused by drugs like cocaine and heroin are of much weight when compared to the possible effects of marijuana. Heroin and cocaine are expensive, addictive and known to trigger aggression which is highly associated with criminal behavior. Moderate intake of marijuana is thought to reduce the risks of one acquisition of lung cancer as well as bronchitis. A research by the American Thoracic Society in 2006, found out that heavy marijuana smokers registered reduced risks of developing emphysema. The reason behind this finding was that they did not exhibit obstruction of the lungs small air way. Some arguments against the use of marijuana established that marijuana would lead to a permanent mental illness but this can be easily dismissed as a hypothesis due to the fact that it lacks a scientific backing to support it. Again, the effects of marijuana are mostly temporary. Supporters of the positive effects of marijuana especially due to its medicinal effects would term the constant allegations or link between it and crime as a misguided. The use of marijuana by pregnant women seems to have minimal effects on the unborn children and it can comfortably be used. The new born of mothers who use it show no sign of impairment be it mental, physical or developmental. There is a high possibility that the use of marijuana boosts one’s resistance to infections whether caused by bacteria or by viruses as a study using animals established this. However, only scientific research would verify this assumption. Of most drugs that are commonly abused marijuana stands as the only one where many health benefits can be pointed out. The advantages or uses of marijuana will remain even as time moves on and it’s the role of the society to exploit these benefits. States should decriminalize it but create awareness as they have done in the cases of alcoholism. This way it would ensure that chances for abuse which contributes to a large extent the manner in which people gauge marijuana is influence in favor of marijuana. Decriminalizing marijuana will be beneficial to the members of the society especially those who use it. This is attributed to the fact that they will no longer be arrested and imprisoned leaving their children unattended. For the farmers who plant marijuana this will be a plus in as far as their financial well being is concerned. The government can also benefit through taxes paid by the farmers. References: Harold Trimm. 2005. Forensics the Easy Way. Barrons Educational Series, Rudolph Gerber. 2004. Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics. Marijuana and Government Policy in United States. Greenwood Publishing Group. Martin H. Levinson Paul D Johnston. 2002. The Drug Problem: A New View Using the General Semantics Approach Greenwood Publishing. Martin H Levinson. 2006. Sensible Thinking for Turbulent Times. Psychology / Cognitive. Universe. Tatiana Shohov. 2003. Medical Use of Marijuana: Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Issues. Marijuana Therapeutic use United States. National Organization for Reform of Marijuana laws. Federal Laws. Retrieved on 13 th October 2008 from http://norml. org/index. cfm? wtm_view=Group_ID=4575 Mitchell Earleywine. 2002. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. Oxford University Press. Renee Twombly. 2006. Despite Research, FDA Says Marijuana Has No Benefit Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Oxford University Press 98(13):888-889; Mike Gravel. 2008. Citizen Power: A Mandate for Change Author House Publishers

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Editing Services for Graduate School Essays

Editing Services for Graduate School Essays There are several steps involved in the process of writing a quality graduate school essay. As previously covered, it is important to maintain a regimented work schedule in order to give yourself plenty of time to create a good outline as well as several written drafts of your paper. Once you have completed all of these steps and are satisfied with the content and structure of your paper, you can begin the final phase of editing. In my opinion, the most difficult part of writing a graduate school essay is having to edit it. As someone who has written several graduate school essays, I have found that after writing and rewriting a composition numerous times, it is very difficult to be impartial during the editing process. That is why I recommend that anyone working on a graduate school essay enlist the services of a processional editor to review his or her paper. There are many online editing services available to students working on graduate school essays. If you are interested in utilizing the services of a professional editor, I strongly recommend that you contact a reputable editing company. Make sure that the editor and/or editors reviewing your paper are well educated and highly trained in the editing process. Request to reveiw samples of previous work and dont hesitate to ask lots of questions. Hiring a professional editor to review my graduate school essay was one of the best decisions I ever made. If you are interested in learning more about editing services for graduate school essays or if you would like some tips on writing graduate school personal statements, please dont hesitate to click on the link provided. This link will direct you to an excellent online resource where you can find more info.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Brand Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Brand Management - Assignment Example Through, successfully implementation of this methodology, firms can win loyal customer at a reasonable rate. Brand management practice is applicable across various industries, because of its perceptive dimension (Lienert). However, the positive product or brand image could be built in a fraction of seconds, when salesperson highlights the importance and applicability of a certain product in customer’s life; but the hard part is to backup this perceived value with actual product performance. All of the major automobile companies are attempting to lower their operational costs, because of Japanese competition (Mannering and Winston). But, they are taking this challenge in a wrong direction, because Japanese are not just selling vehicles, they are giving away comfort, low maintenance and high quality. Thus, they are providing more real value to the customer that enables them to charge some extra cash. The competitors should concentrate on enhancing the value provided to the custo mer, in order to counteract Japanese competition. ... In this way, the company will be able to provide incentive to facilitate sales. Another unique aspect of brand endorsement is its center of attention, which is more abstractive in nature. It emphasizes on improving the quality of life of an individual through a product, thus brand management is all about increasing consumers’ comfort through adding new and meaningful products in their life. Brand managers believe that customers do not purchase clothes; they pay for good looks, which these clothes will provide them. The above mentioned argument fits well, within the industry of cars that this paper will analyze in the coming section. Such consumers are interested in fuel consumption, convenience and elegance, thus require a travelling solution not just a car. Fait, which possesses the managerial rights of Chrysler, is planning to lower their value chain costs through streamlining their dealership network, by combining small to medium size dealers with larger ones. This strategy will help them in lowering the number of dealers; therefore their transportation costs will drop significantly. The use of centralized dealers points towards the intention of top management on gaining a price advantage. In the history, Fait attempted to introduce its products as luxurious ones. But, this decision caused its offerings to compete in a different market, in which Honda and other similar companies had established brands. Therefore, Fait failed to make a name in this segment; mainly, because of its products’ low quality. The customers consider Chrystal’s products as economical and designed for middle class; due to this market perception best cost marketing strategy will be ideal for promoting these products.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Proposal for the analytical report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal for the analytical report - Essay Example The research intends to answer the question, ‘is there a significant relationship between internal control practices and reported accounting frauds in organizations?’ It proposes to test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between effectiveness of internal control mechanisms and incidence of accounting fraud in organizations. Introduction Fraud defines a criminal deception that targets a financial gain. While a final independent audit may identify accounting fraud for legal actions against suspected personnel, this avenue does not recover lost finances because criminal acts attracts no remedy to the victim. The best solution for safeguarding an organization’s finances is therefore through establishment of strong internal control avenues that can detect and prevent possible frauds. This research seeks to establish a basis ensuring implementation of most appropriate internal control measures. The problem Fraud is a major threat to the going c oncern of an organization, both small scale and large scale. This identifies fraud and internal control measures towards controlling fraud as essential elements to organizational management. A number of internal control measures exist for detecting and preventing fraud such as application of checks and balances on offices that deals in finance based issues like planning, authorizing, and accounting offices. Frequent reconciliation of accounts, restricting access to authorized personnel, strong policies and discouraging conspiracy are other identified control avenues (Hogan, 2011). Brainstorming to evaluate possible fraud or fraud indicators and monitoring compliance to codes of conducts as set by organizations also facilitates detection and prevention of fraud (Aicpa, 2005). Such measures are however hard to understand if fraud is deeply rooted in an organization, such as in circumstances where an organization’s management applies fraud in external ventures. This therefore id entifies far-reaching effects of fraud that extends to industry’s performance and consumers economic factors. Fraud is however both a criminal and immoral act that should not exist in professional practice. Effective measures are therefore necessary to ensure that possible threats of fraud are identified and eliminated. Findings from this research will be instrumental to professional personnel that is charged with the responsibility of safeguarding an organization’s finances. Such are accounts officers and the chief accounting officer, internal auditors, organizations’ managements and external auditors. The accounts officers will find the research results helpful in identifying potential threats to fraud for necessary actions such as reporting to senior management officers. The chief accounting officers is however a chief beneficiary of the research findings that will help in controlling the vice in his docket. The management whose role involves disciplining emp loyees and overly supervising an organizational activities and processes need to be informed about fraud control because they are the organization’s custodians to external stakeholders. Internal and external auditors will however find the results helpful in identifying inconsistencies in statements and in recommending appropriate measures